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2005 Yonge St
Toronto, ON


Canada's first spy shop.  Spy gadgets including electronic security, counter surveillance, video cameras and GPS tracking devices.  Online shopping available for Canada.

Jack Reacher Prize Giveaway


As a business that sells somewhat unusual products, we recognize that any additional information we provide can benefit not only our customers, but casual readers as well.  Since the owners and staff at Spytech have accumulated decades of collective experience in the business, we have decided to share our knowledge through this "Spytechblog".

Jack Reacher Prize Giveaway

Hans School

Spytech Blog is proud to offer a Jack Reacher prize pack thanks to our friends at Paramount Pictures Canada.  We will give away ONE exciting prize to a randomly chosen entry.  To enter, just leave a comment on our Facebook page, stating the name of your favorite spy, either real of fictional.  There is no wrong answer.  No purchase necessary.  In order to receive the prize you must be able to provide the following if you win:

  1. A shipping address in a Canadian province for us to send the prize to.
  2. Your comment must be dated before the midnight Jan 30, 2017 to be considered during the draw.
  3. Each individual profile is only entered once for the draw - there will be no multiple entries for commenting multiple times.
  4. If you are contacted as the winner, and do not respond within 24 hours with a valid shipping address, we will assume you have declined the prize and will award it to another person, with another random draw.
  5. Comment must appear on our official Facebook Page to qualify:

The "Jack Reacher Prize Pack" consists of a "Jack Reacher: Never Go Back" Blu Ray DVD, a Jack Reacher toque, and a Jack Reacher multi-tool flashlight.  Approximate value about $40.00 CAD.  Winner will be announced on our Facebook page.

Odds of winning are 1 in however many different people leave a comment.

Enter your comment before the end of Jan 30, 2017 to qualify.

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back will be available for purchase on Blu Ray, DVD and digital on Jan 31, 2017.