Introducing Personal Safety Products
Hans School
Spytech is proud to offer a new line of personal safety products. Canadian law is very strict when it comes to weapons - even non-lethal weapons - so we try to offer products that fall outside of the self defense catagory, although they can be used in addition to any self defense products you may carry with you. The effectiveness of these products varies depending on the situation, the reactions of all the people involved and the environment. One big advantage over weapons, is that these products cannot be used against you.
Personal Alarm
This is a small battery powered box that fits in a pocket or purse. When the cord is pulled out of the box it makes a loud noise to attract attention. The intent of the loud noise is to expose and confuse an attacker that is trying to commit a crime without being noticed. The noise may motivate bystanders to intervene, it may startle the attacker enough to give you a chance to escape, or at least the alarm indicates to the criminal that his control over the situation has been compromised. Of course, what happens after the alarm sounds is unknown, and depends on many variables.
Drink Test Kit
This small paper can be used to test a drink for the presence of the most common types of "date-rape drugs". To use the test, place a few drops of your beverage on the paper and see if it changes colour. The test may be corrupted by chemicals like food colouring, which would colour the paper just like a positive result, or there could be drugs present that are not part of the test. In light of these possibilities, the test kit should only be used to compliment common sense behaviour, not to replace it.
Stay safe and look out for each other Canada.